
Thursday, February 2, 2017

“Test Console” service not running. Contact administrator to start this service

I am sure if you are working as SOA administrator you might have bumped with this error. 

In this blog post I am just trying to highlight few configurations which needs to verified ; if user is not able to launch OSB test console. I have faced this issue couple of time in various environments but fix for that problem was always different, so I just thought to compile some of causes which might help you to fix your environment problem for the same issue. 

Please note: I may be keep adding more causes as I found related to this issue in future assignments.

When OSB console is not accessible then its look like this – 


Cause 1:
First and foremost problem, I have noticed that OSB server is not running mode many times. Although user able to access Oracle Service Bus Console which gets deployed on Weblogic Admin Server but if OSB server is not up and running then OSB test console will never work. So make sure Weblogic Admin Server and Weblogic OSB server both must be up and running condition.